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Learn what they are, who they’re for and how we can secure you one!

What is a remortgage?

A remortgage is the process where you take out a new mortgage on a property you already own, whether it’s your own home or a buy to let property.

Who is this mortgage for & how can we help?

Usually, this type of mortgage is for anyone who is either coming to the end of their initial mortgage period or who is already on the lenders standard variable rate. However, there are other circumstances which suit a remortgage as well, such as removing a named party from the mortgage (transfer of equity).

We will discuss your circumstances & what your goals are. You may want to raise money for home improvements or reduce your unsecured debt and we’ll run through all the options available for you.

We will then search the market from a huge range of lenders and thousands of products, to find you the best lender and rate for your circumstances. When formulating our advice and making a recommendation, we will consider your circumstances, your wants and needs and things like early repayment charges, legal fees, valuation fees etc.

Sometimes, staying with your existing lender but taking out a new product is the correct advice for you. In these circumstances, we will recommend what’s called a Product Transfer or Rate Switch.

If you’re looking to release equity from your home, we’ll look at the whole of the market, including staying with your existing lender and raising money through them. This is called a ‘Further Advance’.

Have a no obligation chat with us.

So that we can identify your options and the best next steps to take, have a free, no obligation chat with us. We will learn about and you and your circumstances in order to develop a bespoke plan of action.

Use our calculators to get ahead in your planning.

Lady using the calculator on her phone to budget for her mortgage

Still have questions?

Here are our 3 most commonly asked questions around mortgages.

There is no hard & fast rule for affordability. Every lender calculates how much they are prepared to lend differently, based on their own criteria, but also your circumstances. They will look at things like the size of your deposit, your credit profile, your income and any outgoings when calculating your available borrowing.

For residential properties, your deposit will need to be a minimum of 5% of the property value you are buying. For buy to lets, the usual amount is 25%.

It’s not just about the interest rate. We search the market from a huge range of lenders and take into account things like fees and cashback when making a recommendation that is tailored to your circumstances.